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ETH2 Team Launches Parallel Testnet to Medalla Called Spadina

Just when we thought Medalla was the final stop we needed to clear before arriving at the Ethereum 2.0 mainnet launch, a new testnet has emerged in parallel to Medalla’s for Ethereum developers to further test just two main crucial parts, deposits and genesis, before it is fully unveiled in November. Termed ‘Spadina’, this testnet is a “dress rehearsal” for the long-awaited release of Phase 0.

According to a blog post by Danny Ryan, Ethereum team developer and Ethereum 2.0 launch coordinator, Spadina is a testnet with a 3-day end-of-life (EOL) and was created so developers can do further testing on specific parts of the upcoming network without disrupting the progress Medalla has achieved so far. After the 3-day testing period, client teams and other key infrastructure providers will not be providing any support to the testnet, although it will remain live for a period of time.

On September 12, one of ETH2’s client teams Prysmatic Labs announced that the mainnet launch was on schedule for November and a document detailing the fixes and milestones required to get there has been shared with the public.

“Out of these, only a few are features, which means that we can likely perform a feature freeze by mid-October, allowing us to only work on security improvements and UX before going live. If all goes well, November is still looking good for a launch from our perspective,” Raoul Jordan, an ETH2 developer from Prysmatic Labs.

You may also want to read: Will Ethereum 2.0 Be Ready by November?

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