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Doctors Without Borders Now Stores Medical Record With Blockchain

Doctors Without Borders (DWB) has recently partnered with a blockchain-based document security company Transcrypts to store medical record on the blockchain.

So far, they have uploaded 6,500 immunisation records to the blockchain and are planning to upload a total of 76,000 by 2022. The majority of the recorded immunisations are COVID-19 vaccines, though the company said that they are aiming to upload all patient medical records. Patients can access these medical records can be accessed via their mobile phone.

Founded by San Jose State University student Zain Zaidi, the company’s clientele currently consists of ADP, Oracle, Paychex, Spirit Airlines and Zoom.

By forming a partnership with DWB, the firm has officially made its first foray into medical records. Prior to this, Transcript had realised that HIPAA and other compliance laws deemed blockchain to be an unacceptable method of storage for medical records in the US.

Zaidi believes that blockchain can potentially prevent many unnecessary deaths due to increase in accessibility of patient medical records in developing countries.

In India over 700,000 people die every year from the lack of access to a patient’s medical records. A majority of these deaths could have been prevented if physicians had access to a patient’s comprehensive health care records. With this partnership, Doctors Without Borders and TransCrypts hopes to build a future where this loss of life can be mitigated.


Zain Zaidi, Founder of TransCrypts

Transcrypts initially focused on combating resume fraud marketed to Human Resources professionals. Its inclusion of income verification for landlords followed after. Today, Transcripts considers itself a full-fledged service documentation service.

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