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Official Launch of TON Network in Late October

Telegram confirmed that the launch of Telegram Open Network (TON) will be in late October.

TON Board reported that original investors received emails from the Telegram core team on October 3. The investors are currently provided with the TON key generation software. They will also provide Telegram with a public key to receive their Gram (GRM) tokens by October 16.

The official launch has been confirmed following the success of the trial period. TON Labs, a software startup under the management of Telegram’s token offering investors, has been developing TON.

On September 6, Telegram launched its Telegram Open Network (TON) Testnet Explorer and a node software on its website. 

Anonymous investors confirmed that Telegram would release its first Gram tokens in October, reported Cointelegraph.

Moreover, as TON is compatible with Ethereum network, users can port their Ethereum smart contracts to TON.

TON Labs is also developing a Solidity compiler for its blockchain. Solidity is a programming language primarily used to develop smart contracts on Ethereum.

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