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Binance Adds Quarterly Futures to its Crypto Derivatives Platform

Launched only in September last year, Binance Futures quickly rose through the ranks to become the world’s top crypto derivatives trading platform. Less than a year later, Binance is introducing BTCUSD Quarterly Futures contracts and a leverage of 125x available on the web version of the platform, with mobile slated to be released later.

This is the first Binance futures product that comprises contracts with set expiration and settlement dates, with contract expiry set on the last Friday of each quarter, or three-month period. Binance also cautioned traders about the high risks that come with quarterly futures contracts as compared to perpetual futures contracts as the buyer and seller involved in the contract will have to execute the contract when it expires, at a settlement price as the assets in the contract are not exchanged real-time.

“Binance Quarterly Futures has the LOWEST fees of any quarterly delivery futures, plus there is a Maker rebate. The product is also structure in a way that is easy for you to migrate your algos from other quarterly futures,” tweeted Changpeng Zhao (CZ), CEO of Binance.

According to Aaron Gong, VP of Binance Futures, Binance Quaterly Futures saw over 100 million in volume on the day of its launch, which is three times the trading volume recorded on Binance Futures when it first launched its perpetual contracts.

binance futures

At the Ethereal Summit held in May, CZ mentioned that the precipitous growth within months of the launch of Binance Futures was something unforeseen as he expected the same results only in another few years. Smaller investors choose Binance Futures due to its network latency and the superior quality of its API offerings.

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